Sunday 7 April 2013

Metrics, Attributes, and Analysis of Inventory

Which location has the most inventory on hand?

Attributes: Location, location name
Metric: Inventory on hand

(Click to Enlarge)

For this question, we used the attribute "location name" to provide us with insight to the answer. We felt that portraying our results in a pie graph was the most appropriate option, as the information is well organized into sections. Because the question asks which location has the most inventory on hand, it is easy to visually spot the answer on this graph (Obviously the biggest section). As shown, the location with the most inventory on hand is "East Coast DC" - the biggest pink section.

Which location name has the most total sales?
Attributes: Location Name
Metric: Total Sales

(Click to Enlarge)

Similar to the first question, "location name" was needed to find the answer. In addition, we have used the metric "total sales" to help us identify which location had the highest total sales. As displayed on the pie graph above, "East Coast" is also the answer to the question asking which location holds the highest total sales.

Once again, we have visually portrayed this question on a pie graph because East Coast has such a high total sales - taking up over half of the graph - and it is easy for readers to locate the answer. 

Which week has the most orders?
Attribute: Week
Metric: Orders

(Click to Enlarge)

All the attributes and metrics listed were used in the process of answering this question. The graph tells us that the week of "4/17/2011" holds the most orders in comparison to the other weeks, at a value of 4789.

We decided to show this data through a different style of pie graph, which appears more similar to a wheel. Because the values are close to each other, it will be difficult to find the largest section of the pie if we used the traditional pie graph. This graph portrays the data more closely than a standard pie graph.  This graph creates ease when locating the week with the highest orders, in this case, week of "4/17/2011". 

Which season code held the most sales?
Attribute: Season Code
Metric: Total Sales

(Click to Enlarge)

The attribute "season code" and the metric "total sales" gave us insight in determining the answer. Evidently through the pie graph, we are able to easily figure out which season code held the most sales. This is possible because the biggest section of the traditional pie graph represents this data. This obvious and quick data gathering contributed to our decision to revert back to the traditional pie graph as a means to visually show our results.

According to the graph, the "All" season code displayed the most sales. 

Which store-type generates the most and least sales?
Attributes: Store Type
Metric: Total Sales

(Click to Enlarge)

For this question we chose to portray our data on a pie graph because it displays the data clearly and is simple to analyze. We are analyzing two sections of the pie graph: the biggest and smallest section. The biggest section (top graph) represents the store type that generates the highest sales, which in this case is "E-commerce" whereas the smallest section (bottom graph) represents the store type that generates the least sales, which is "Strip Mall". 

By: Ashley Quijano, Cindy Tran, Steven Tran and Sandeep Kanda

Sunday 24 March 2013


What is a Dashboard?

A typical method that the marketplace uses to organize and display Business Intelligence and other relevant information such as, finances, sales, etc is through a dashboard. A dashboard is a visual display of information that is crucial for business users to understand at a glance.

What is the Role of Dashboards in Business Intelligence? 

Providing critical and relevant information is essential in Business Intelligence. Because of this, role of the dashboard is very important. It allows marketers to not only track personal finances, spending and applying calculations, but it also allows the business to monitor the effectiveness of their strategies. Dashboards are able to do this by linking the strategies to measures and indicators which gives access to see the progress. 

How can dashboards help with the Big Data?

Dashboards can help organize big data into charts, tables statistics that can be easily compared between relevant data. It also offers full control of your findings at your fingertip in a few clicks instead of having to draw potential inaccurate charts. Dashboards also provide the ability to compare data from previous years without having to go through the trouble of seeking old documents.

How are Dashboards useful in business?

Managing teamwork, providing faster and credible information and ensuring cost reductions in an organization are several ways which dashboards are useful in business. 

Based on the information that the dashboard provides, it allows team to share data with each other much easier. It also makes it easier for teams to assign tasks in specific areas to improve results such as revenue, organization spending, etc. Teams are also able to make better decisions because dashboards produce and prepare visual information. 

Dashboards save a lot of time and money for organizations as expenses no longer have to be spent to have people construct charts and data manually.

Inventory Data

(Click to enlarge)

The data above represents very specific data related to the inventory of solid cotton maroon kings such as: locations, type of locations, how much is available in each location, how many orders and which of those orders are to be shipped and minimum and maximum available items in each location

Current and future transactions, sales and sales for all season for each item in each location is also provided in the data set.

Five analysis questions that we have asked about our data set and the attributes and metrics that gave us insight to these questions are:

Which location has the most items on hand?
Attributes: location, location name
Metric: Inventory on hand

Which location name has the most total sales?
Attributes: Location Name
Metric: Total Sales

What is the average minimum amount of items on hand
Metric: Minimum Items on Hand

Which season code held the most sales?
Attribute: Season Code
Metric: Total Sales

Which store-type generates the most and least sales?
Attributes: Store Type
Metric: Total Sales

By: Ashley Quijano, Cindy Tran, Steven Tran and Sandeep Kanda